Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Angel Blade Opening Theme -censored&uncensored-

I have this uploaded on dailymotion. And have it on YouTube slide showed as to not see too many nipples. Nipples isn't even allowed on YouTube. 

Seriously :| But still the video must be marked as adult content as it's not appropriate for ages under 18. So yeah anyways, I just found out there's another user on YouTube uploaded this exact same video.

He uploaded it as it shows the same on the one I uploaded here above. Doesn't he know what's adult content and what not? Jeez...

Here's his...
Yeah the quality is amazing, I know >:( If only I knew about this. piece of sh**! If only I knew this dude uploaded then I wouldn't have to worry.

But I'm not saying what I just did is pointless and stupid, I mean my one had better sound quality which is good because it's obvious that you can hear it clearer. 

This dude uploaded it with the video that has high quality but not in audio. It's low. So I think I rather let it lurk around on YouTube. I meant my one. 

Oh yeah sorry, forgot to give you my version, here...  Yes thanks to witchking on deviantART, I'm able to use his to upload it. I got his permission though, that's good. So he allowed me for copyright.

To go see his work, go ->here<-

Yeah :| Well...yeah. I dunno what to say, lol XD But I really love the music. So beautiful and motivating. Lots of heroism in it. Female heroism :D Love to see woman go battle. Awesome.

So as usual I just hope you enjoy it. Comment, follow and get more viewers. Bye :)

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